Home >>  The baby week by week  >>  Week 9. First movements (but do not get impatient, they will not be still perceived)

Week 9. First movements (but do not get impatient, they will not be still perceived)

The baby’s eyelids have been formed but are fused. They will open after week 26 more or less. The ribs are growing around the delicate internal organs. Knees and elbows appear. The arms, legs and fingers can now be better seen. They begin to develop more than ever. Fingerprints are now formed too.

The tail that could be distinguished in the previous weeks starts now to completely disappear.

Moreover, the baby already moves, although you will not be able to feel it yet. The nervous system extends its connections throughout the body and performs involuntary spasmodic movements that the brain does not control yet. The fetus will go from stand still to shake from time to time.


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