Home >> The baby week by week >> Week 10. New neurons. First echography
Week 10. New neurons. First echography
Nails are growing. Intestines grow and are located. The baby begins to prepare to digest food when born as the thyroid gland, pancreas and gall begin to function. The brain is growing rapidly: approximately 250,000 new neurons are produced every minute.
Around week 11 the external sexual organs start to develop, although it is still difficult to exactly know the sex of the baby. All this is happening to a fetus that is about 4 cm and weighs about 5.5 grams.
Among week 10 and 14 you will get your first ecography. Thanks to it, you’ll know if the baby’s heart rate is normal or if you have twins.
Tags: baby, changes, development, embryo, fetus, gestation, growth, pregnancy, week 10