Home >> The baby week by week >> Week 26. First funny faces and new reflexes. Senses still arouse
Week 26. First funny faces and new reflexes. Senses still arouse
From week 26 the child will make its first gestures and cuddles. Likewise, it will begin to use more important reflexes as a lip suction reflex, as it starts to suck its thumb with virulence. Your baby will be sleeping most of the day. So the time it spends awake it will have more energy and, therefore, will be very alert to everything that happens in its surroundings.
When hearing sudden noises, the baby will draw its protective reflexes and will spread its arms and legs as a mechanism of self-defence. Today, with the comforts of life, this instinct is not as necessary as it was for our ancestors. However, other reflexes are so. For example there is a reflex that involves ingesting half a litre of amniotic fluid per day. This natural tendency helps the digestive system to develop properly.
Your baby will be almost 23 centimetres long and weigh a kilo.
Tags: baby, changes, development, embryo, fetus, gestation, growth, pregnancy, week 26