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Week 16. More reflexes. The proprioception

Finally, from this week the body starts to become bigger than the head. The arms and legs are longer and more defined now. They even move, although you would still not perceive it. The brain is taking control of all the movements. Thus, the baby’s ability to respond to stimuli is growing. The baby is sensitive to touch and if your abdomen is pushed it can shudder. It bends its limbs and separates its fingers, especially those in its hands. This is a sign showing that it interacts with the environment around. The baby is developing propioception. It can even start to develop the grasp reflex. From week 16 it will grasp its hands, feet or umbilical cord.

The baby will start to have a very fine hair on the head. While it may seem incredible, the baby begins to perceive light. It also makes some movements with its chest, which are precursors of breathing exercise. Its length is not very different from that of the previous week, but it will easily be up to 80 grams of weight.


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