Home >> The baby week by week >> Week 28. Cerebral maturation, familiarisation with the mother and more stimuli
Week 28. Cerebral maturation, familiarisation with the mother and more stimuli
Your baby continues increasing in weight. It has been already 28 weeks and it is time to begin to produce a greasy layer under the skin. In addition, the baby’s senses are more and more wide-awake and its cerebral cortex has been developed to such an extent that it can begin to lodge knowledge! What is more, in the upcoming weeks, his nervous system will be as advanced as the one of a new born. Recent research explains that, at week 28, the baby is more conscious about the things that surround it. It is in one of these weeks, it will create its first memory.
You will love to know that, at this moment of the pregnancy, your baby begins to become familiar with your voice. It recognizes it, even responds to it. It can do so as with music. Some studies confirm that if the baby listens to the same melody time and time again it can also recognize it, or even follow the rhythm. This has shown that the long term memory works before birth. Isn’t this just amazing?
You must take into account that songs can influence in its spirit. Those of fast rhythm will over stimulate it, while smooth music will relax it.
Your baby will already have grown up to 25 centimetres and will begin to surpass the kilo.
Tags: baby, changes, development, embryo, fetus, growth, pregnancy, week 28